
Friday 18 November 2011

Friday Update: ?

Mysterious hints abound about this Friday Update:

RockJaw: Tomorrow's update will be interesting. Sadly I'll be flying so doubt I'll see your reaction until later... ah well. Hope you like.

UndeadJest3r: @Rockjaw I just got an e-mail beta invite from Origin for a friend and I, but I'm already in beta. Can I give both invites away? #SWTOR

RockJaw: @UndeadJest3r Yes, but they need to be redeemed quick.

Let the wild speculation begin!

Could it be the announcement of when people are getting into the Beta Weekend - maybe it is random, or earliest registered on get in first?

Could it be the announcement of a drop of the NDA?

Could it be that you can no longer redeem beta keys after the Friday Update goes live?

Have they sold out of all normal editions of SWTOR and everyone who hasn't pre-ordered one by now has to wait until some time after launch?

The anticipation is killing me!

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